Toy Corner

Star Wars Legion Core Set Review

Jul 02, 2024

star wars legion core set

For those of us who’ve always dreamt of commanding our own Star Wars battles, the Star Wars Legion Core Set offers an enticing opportunity. This tabletop wargame, crafted by Fantasy Flight Games, promises streamlined rules, tactical gameplay, and a diverse array of miniatures. But does it truly capture the essence of the Star Wars universe?

In this review, we’ll delve into the Clone Wars Core Set, exploring its components and gameplay. So, let’s embark on this journey and see if Star Wars Legion lives up to its galactic promise.

Overview of Star Wars Legion Core Set

We remember the first time we opened the Star Wars Legion Core Set. It felt like opening a treasure chest from a far-off galaxy. The box brimmed with detailed miniatures, each one an invitation to relive epic battles from the Star Wars saga. Lifting the lid, we saw a galaxy of possibilities, crafted with such precision that even the tiniest details seemed to whisper stories of heroism and strategy.

The box is a miniature museum, housing Rebel and Imperial forces ready to clash on the battlefield. There are 33 unpainted miniatures: brave Rebel Troopers, menacing Stormtroopers, courageous leaders like Luke Skywalker, and the formidable Darth Vader. Each character is a piece of art, holding a promise of epic encounters. The figures are sculpted with an eye for detail—Luke's determined stance, Vader's ominous cloak—bringing the magic of Star Wars to your tabletop.

Spread before us were equally detailed barricades and terrain pieces that transform any flat surface into a war-torn battlefield. The terrain elements help set the scene, making every encounter feel unique and immersive. The Core Set also includes a comprehensive rulebook and various dice, tokens, and cards, providing everything we need to dive right into the action.

It’s not just about pretty miniatures. The gameplay beckons us to think like generals. Will we advance our troops cautiously, or charge headlong into the fray? Each decision carries weight, like a lightsaber humming with potential. We use command cards to outsmart our opponents, planning our movements and attacks with the precision of a TIE fighter's targeting system.

The game's streamlined rules make it easy to learn but difficult to master. Each skirmish on our table feels as grand as the battles on the silver screen, with every roll of the dice a pulse-pounding moment of fate. Using a mix of tactics and dice rolls to determine outcomes, every game promises a new story, a new chapter in our ongoing fight for the galaxy.

star wars legion components

Gaming Mechanics

In Star Wars Legion, we command legions of troops, armoured with everything from blaster rifles to missile launchers. The gameplay is divided into turns known as rounds. Each round is a blend of tactics and chance, keeping us on our toes. Imagine leading your troops across rugged terrains that feel like the battle-ravaged landscapes of Tatooine or Endor.

One of the most thrilling aspects of the game is the Command Phase. Here, we play command cards to issue orders to our units. It's like being a general, planning the fate of our army with each decision. In this phase, we also face the "fog of war" mechanic, where some decisions are shrouded in uncertainty. We might picture ourselves as commanders, feeling our hearts race as we decide which unit to move next without knowing what the enemy's next move will be.

During the Activation Phase, players take turns activating their units. The thrill lies in the balance between pre-determined commands and the randomness of drawing from a facedown pile. This blend of strategy and chance creates a dynamic ebb and flow, making each round feel like a gripping chapter in a battle saga.

The game includes various measuring and movement tools to guide our troops across the battlefield. These tools—like transparent rulers and movement templates—help us manoeuvre our units with precision, avoiding the chaos of unorganised skirmishes. It's almost like wielding a lightsaber: elegant, controlled, and deadly when used skillfully.

By relying on these mechanics, Star Wars Legion Core Set offers a chess-like complexity that allows us to outthink and outmanoeuvre our opponents, making it a compelling addition to any wargamer's collection.

Performance of Star Wars Legion Core Set

As we step into the galaxy far, far away, the game welcomes us with a toolkit that both newcomers and seasoned generals find satisfying. Imagine guiding a squad of B1 Battle Droids across the terrain, their movements as fluid as a well-choreographed dance. The rules, like a familiar old friend, gently nudge the novices but also offer layers for the experienced to peel back and explore.

“What if I don’t grasp all these tactics?” we might wonder. A quick glance at the streamlined cards and intuitive tools assures us. Each model’s movement is synced with the commander, saving time and reducing the novice’s anxiety over precision. It’s akin to learning to ride a bike, where the training wheels are there but can be removed as confidence grows.

Balance, much like the Force, is essential in Star Wars Legion. As we deploy our units, it becomes evident how thoughtfully the scales have been tipped. No single unit overwhelmingly dominates, allowing a Droideka or a clone trooper to shine under the right circumstances. We feel a twinge of satisfaction seeing our battle plan unfold, much like an artist watching their painting come to life.

star wars legion core set components

But what of the core set’s limitations? While it’s true that we long for the ability to stage a grander 500-point skirmish straight out of the box, starting with a 400-point game offers just enough nuance without overwhelming us. As we glue the delicate Droideka miniatures, a mix of frustration and pride settles in – these small challenges are mere stepping stones to the epic battles ahead.

In this symphony of strategy and camaraderie, the game’s performance reveals itself not through grandiose declarations but through the subtle thrill of commanding our army, the rise and fall of our tactical prowess, and the shared moments of victory and defeat that bind us together.

User Experience

Setting up the game became a ritual in itself. Spreading the game board and piecing together the terrain felt like constructing a mini battlefield—a scene straight out of the films we have watched countless times. As we arranged the miniatures, the room seemed to fill with the hum of lightsabers and the distant echoes of blaster fire.

The initial set-up took about 30 minutes—an acceptable trade-off considering the intricate details and the promise of grand battles ahead. Once we got the hang of it, set-up time reduced as familiarity set in, like old soldiers slipping into well-worn boots. Game duration? That’s a tale of its own. Standard matches typically spanned around two to three hours, time slipping by unnoticed. It felt like we were lost in a warp, each tick of the clock syncing with our strategic moves and counter-moves, unable to resist the allure of just one more round.

The rulebook, a tome brimming with lore and instructions, initially appeared daunting. However, we soon found that it unfolded like a well-worn map—a guide through the galaxy’s contested zones. The rules, though abundant, were meticulously organised and peppered with illustrations that acted as waypoints, ensuring we never strayed too far off course.

Learning the game was reminiscent of a Jedi mastering the Force. The basic mechanics were straightforward enough for novices to grasp, like young Padawans taking their first training steps. Move your troops, roll the dice, and engage in battle—it started simple. But, as we delved deeper, the layers of strategy and nuance became apparent. Suddenly, every decision carried weight, much like a general surveying the terrain and deploying troops based on ever-changing circumstances.

For those new to miniature war games, the learning curve felt more like a gentle incline than a steep cliff. With every game session, we became more adept, confident in our tactics and more aware of our opponents’ ploys. Even the more complicated aspects of the game, like implementing bonus cards and managing different unit types, became second nature in time.

In our galactic battles, the rules bound us, but within those constraints, we discovered a universe of strategic depth—making each skirmish meaningful and leaving us eager for the next campaign.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of the Star Wars Legion Core Set

Standing at the starting line of any Star Wars battle, the sheer level of detail in the miniatures grips us. It's like stepping into a painting where every brushstroke reveals armour plates and weathered helmets. We admire how the duality of Republic and Separatist forces is represented, with Clone Troopers ready for duty and sinister droids prepped for attack.

Speaking of strategy, engaging in a game of Star Wars Legion draws out our inner tactician. It’s as if we’re Yoda, pondering the grand landscape of war, determining troop positions and planning ambushes. The Command and Activation phases add layers of depth, akin to playing a complex game of chess where every pawn could become pivotal.

Moreover, the game balances enjoyment for both veterans of miniature wargames and newcomers alike. The rules align effortlessly, making the learning curve challenging yet achievable. It feels like mastering a lightsaber - daunting at first, but immensely satisfying once the flow is understood.

Disadvantages of the Star Wars Legion Core Set

Yet, even the most carefully crafted strategy may encounter roadblocks. As we delve into the set, the initial set-up time can feel more like assembling the Death Star than prepping for a mere skirmish. The careful assembly and painting of miniatures demand our patience, reminiscent of a young Padawan training diligently under their master.

In the realm of gameplay, the vastness of strategic options can become overwhelming. New players might find their enthusiasm dimmed as they confront the game’s layered intricacies. It’s like unravelling a Sith conspiracy - convoluted and challenging, and not always accessible at first glance.

Additionally, as a single-box game, Star Wars Legion can leave us wanting more. The core set’s variety, while adequate for starters, may feel limiting after multiple playthroughs. It’s like having a taste of galactic adventure but never quite getting the full banquet.

Final Thoughts on Star Wars Legion Core Set

The Star Wars Legion Core Set is an excellent introduction to miniature tabletop games, especially if you are into the Star Wars franchise, the rules make the gameplay easy to learn and we have found it quite entertaining to play. The other advantage is that there are expansions that can be added to the core set, which would be required especially if you want to expand on this tabletop game.
